Splitzter - October 3, 2003

I Remember last week when I was looking forward to the Clash of the Titans with the Michael’s boys facing off against Mighty Hernandez Insurance? Ever hear the phrase, “Beware for what you ask for, you may get it.” Well, Tom Hoeffel and da’ boys got us down on the carpet and didn’t let us breathe for about two hours. Thank goodness they got tired of throwing strikes and let up a bit in game three to let us sneak one out.

Game one for the Hernandez dudes consisted of Emilio Mora, Sr-207; Scott Helberg-258; Andy Phillips-267; Tom Hoeffel-256; Dan Hall-227 for a new county high game of 1210. Ouch.

Game two didn’t get much better with: Emilio-227; Scotty-258; Andy-237; Tom-256; Dan-199 for another impressive score of 1177. After a “mediocre” 1098 finish, the final tally added up to 3490. Individual totals were: Emilio-663; Scotty-722; Andy-723; Tom-729 & Dan-653. Gheesh…nice shooting fellas.

We have news from the “House of Dumper” this week. Our old buddy “Geritol Bill” Botjer is getting the old bones loosened up. Bill raised the bar on county high series quite a few notches with an awesome 276-246-256 set for a 778 number in Tuesday night’s Corn City League. Bill Whitman, bowling against Geritol, started game one with a 136. He figured the shot couldn’t be that tough if Geritol scored a 276 so he finished his evening with scores of 268-269. Congrats to the Bills. Now there’s a phrase you NEVER hear in the NFL.

The ladies posted a couple of 600’s this week in league competition. Tami Bombick led the week with scores of 204-229-180 for a very nice 613 series in Thursday’s Napoleon Party Mart Classic. Marsha Brandt checked into the number two slot with her 607 set in the Saturday Primerica Mixed. Marsha had a big 245 final game following a 172-190 start. Her 245 also was high game for the week. Nice shooting, ladies.

The fellas had a good week with nine 700’s being scored. Strokin’ Randy Schwaiger led the pack this week with Primerica League scores of 232-258-256 for a 746 series. That sits second county wide at this time to Bill Botjer’s 778. Tom Hoeffel’s 729 was second high for the week with Eggman coming in the third slot with his 728, also shot in the Hernandez Classic. Other 700’s were: Andy Phillips-723; Scott Helberg-722; Harry Bleschke-708; Shane Bofia-708; JJ Westhoven-703; Martin Kinder-701.

Team packets for the Ohio State Mens Handicap Tournament are out. The event is in Mansfield this year the last weekend of April. Previous season’s team captains should have their packets by now. There are extras at the bowling centers for additional teams if anyone wants to put a few guys together for the trip. There’s nothing as fun as when Henry County’s finest, and Hoops, make the yearly sojourn.